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DOWNLOAD The Lost Child Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Moments


Chapter 1 -: The Lost Child (HANDWRITTEN)

The Lost Child Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.

What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair?
He sees people gaily dressed, some on horses, some in bamboo or bullock carts. He also sees toys, dragon ‘flies, insects, worms, flowers, and doves on his way to the fair.

Question 2.
Why does the child lag behind?
He lags behind because he is attracted by several of the things he sees on the way like toys, sweetmeats, dragonflies, flower garlands, the snake charmer and the roundabout.

Question 3.
What are the things that he wants at the fair?
At first he wanted a burfi, then a garland of gulmohur flowers, next some colourful balloons, after that he was attracted by the snake charmer and finally he wanted a ride on the roundabout.

Question 4.
Why does the child move on without waiting for his parents’ answer whenever he asked for things that attracted him?
He moves on without waiting for an answer because he knew they would not pay attention to his demands or give him what he asked for.

Question 5.
When does the child realize that he had lost his way?
At the roundabout, when he turned to request his parents to allow him to sit on the ride, he did not get any reply. When he looked around for them he realized he had strayed away from his parents and lost his way.

Question 6.
How has the lost child’s anxiety and insecurity been described?
His anxiety and insecurity have been described through his reaction to his realisation that he was lost. Tears rolled down his cheeks, his throat became dry, his face flushed and convulsed with fear and he ran in all directions in panic without knowing where to go.

Question 7.
Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?
He lost all interest in the things that he had wanted earlier because he felt fearful and insecure at being separated from his parents and all he wanted was to be reunited with them.

Question 8.
What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?
This question can be answered in either way. In my opinion the child is reunited with his parents who are also searching for him and find him crying in a stranger’s lap.
No, the child is not reunited with his parents but is taken by the man who finds him and is brought up by him.

Question 9.
Why was the fair being held in the village?
It was being held to celebrate the spring season.

Question 10.
What tells us that the little boy was excited about going to the fair?
The fact that the little boy has been described as “brimming over with life and laughter” tells us that he was happy and excited to be going to the fair.

Question 11.
Compare the reactions of the father and mother at the child’s request for a toy.
The father glared at him angrily ‘in his familiar tyrant’s way’ while the mother looked at him tenderly and diverted his attention from the toys.

Question 12.
What made the mother caution the child?
The fact that the child had wandered off into the mustard field trying to catch a butterfly made the mother call out to him to come back on to the footpath.

Question 13.
What was the boy engrossed in when his parents sat in the shade of a grove, near a well?
The boy was engrossed in watching little insects and worms that were teeming out along the footpath.

Question 14.
What diverted the child’s attention from the shower of flower petals in the grove?
The cooing of doves diverted the child’s attention from the raining flower petals.

Question 15.
How did the boy react on nearing the village where the fair was being held? Why?
He felt both attracted and repelled at the sight of the large number of people who had converged at the village to enjoy the fair.

Question 16.
Why did the child not ask his parents to buy him the burfi?
The child knew that his parents would not listen to his request and would call him greedy for wanting

Question 17.
Why did the child move away from the flower seller without asking his parents for a garland?
He was aware that his parents would refuse to buy him a garland and say that they were cheap.

Question 18.
Why did the child not ask his parents to buy him balloons even though he was fascinated by them?
He knew his parents would say that he was too old to play with the balloons so he did not ask his parents to buy them for him.

Question 19.
What made the child move on from the snake charmer?
The child had been forbidden by his parents from listening to the music being played by the-snake charmer,which they had termed as coarse, so he moved away from the snake-charmer.

Question 20.
Where did the child finally decide to ask his parents to let him enjoy the delights at the fair? Why?
At the roundabout the sight of the machine in full swing with men and women shrieking, crying and laughing out aloud in excitement, encouraged the child to ask his parents to be permitted to ride the roundabout.

Question 21.
Where and how did the child meet his saviour?
The child met his saviour near the entrance of a temple where he was almost at the point of being trampled under the feet of the jostling crowd.

Question 22.
How did the man try to quieten the crying lost child?
He first took him to the roundabout, then to the snake-charmer, next the balloon seller, after that to the flower-seller and finally to the sweetmeat seller, hoping to quieten the crying lost child.

Question 23.
How was the boy’s reaction to the attractions of the fair different after getting separated from his parents?
He lost all interest in the attractions of the fair and kept crying for his parents.

Question 24.
Do you think the title of the story is appropriate?
Yes, the title appropriately captures the essence of the story. It highlights the plight of a little child who is lost in a fair and it captures the emotions that the child goes through on being separated from his parents. It shows how the child who a moment ago is excited at the sights and sounds of the fair suddenly loses interest in all these sights once he realises that he is lost.

The Lost Child Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Describe in detail all the attractions that the child is drawn to till he gets lost in the fair.
Right till the time he loses his parents, the child is attracted to it. several things that he sees on his way. At first it is the toys being sold at the wayside shops. Then he is attracted to the dragonflies in the mustard field. Next he is drawn to the worms and insects on the footpath and the shower of flower petals and the cooing of the pigeons. On reaching the fair he is first tempted by the goodies being sold by the sweetmeat seller and then by the colourful balloons of the balloon-seller. Next he is drawn by the sound of the snake charmer and finally he is mesmerized by the roundabout with children and adults enjoying the rides.

Question 2.
Do you consider the child’s behaviour as depicted in the story normal? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, the child’s behaviour was normal. The story very clearly depicts the behaviour of a young child who is attracted by everything he sees around him. The child is not only attracted to toys and sweets but also fascinated by the natural wonders of the world like dragonflies, pigeons, flowers and snakes.

This is a reflection of the universal phenomenon of a child’s attraction and fascination with the natural world. As mentioned in the story the child is both ‘repelled and fascinated’ by the colourful world around him which is normal for any young child. The crowds and noise repel a child while the colourful world and the sights of the fair fascinate him.

Question 3.
The story describes certain attractions which may not be so attractive to a modern child. Can you pick up some of them from the story – ‘The Lost Child’.
A modem city child has very little interaction with nature on a daily basis, unlike the lost child. They have very little possibility of being allowed to run wild in a yellow mustard field or being interested in doing so. Technology has taken away a lot of their time and hence he or she does not have the time to run after dragonflies or butterflies or simply rejoice under the rain of flower petals from a gulmohur tree.

With their exposure to amusement parks and water parks with mechanised rides and an artificially created ambience, they would probably not even feel comfortable in natural surroundings. However if the child is allowed free rein to interact with nature he/she would probably find the natural affinity that a human being has for nature and behave in the same manner as the lost child in the story.

Question 4.
Describe the character of the child as depicted in the story.
The child is very young, innocent and full of joy and energy. He finds everything around him exciting and fascinating, whether a dragonfly or toy displayed in a toy shop. Like any child he is easily distracted and his desires and interests keep on changing from sweetmeats to balloons to rides. He is not used to large crowds and is ‘repelled and fascinated’ by them.

His whole world revolves around his parents and he is deeply affected at his separation from them. He is obedient and disciplined and does not throw a tantrum to get his object of desire. He fears his father and approaches his mother whenever he is tempted by any of the objects he sees during his journey to the fair and at the fair itself.

Question 5.
How does the child in the story lose himself? How far is he responsible for his predicament?
The child is wholly responsible for his predicament because at every stage we find him wandering off after one attraction or the other inspite of repeated instructions from his mother not to do so. Initially we find him staring down in front of the wayside toy shops. Next he wanders off into the mustard fields, chasing dragonflies. Then he slows down to admire the insects and worms that line the footpath.

After that he gets distracted by the rain of flower petals and the cooing of the doves and has to be pulled back to the main road by his mother. On entering the fair he again slows down in front of the sweetmeat seller, the flower seller, the snake charmer and the roundabout before realising that he is completely on his own.


Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

(About 30-40 words each)

Question 1:How did the child react when there was no sign of his parents ?(Board Term, Sept., 1,2013, K2G41GH)

Answer:The child was very innocent. He gets confused and panic-stricken on not seeing his parents. He felt lonely without his parents amidst so much of crowd. The man who tries to console the child also does not achieve any success as the boy only needs his parents and no monetary benefit.

Question 2:Where did the child go with his parents ? What did he want there ? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-013) 

Answer:The child went to a fair with his parents. He wanted garlands, balloons and sweets over there. He also wanted to see the snake and take a ride on the swing.

Question 3:Why did the lost child refuse to take his favourite things in the fair after loosing his parents ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-015)

Answer:The child refused to take his favourite things in the fair after he lost his parents as he missed them and wanted to meet them only. Now, he had lost interest in all his favourite things.

Question 4:How did the mother distract the child’s mind from the toy seller ? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-017)


The mother distracted the child’s mind from the toy seller by pointing towards a flowering mustard field. He saw colourful dragon flies and staffed running after them.

Question 5:How was the child separated from his parents ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-018)


The boy was attracted to toys, balloons and sweets in the fair. He got fascinated with the flute music being played by the snake charmer. While watching the roundabout swing he got separated from his parents.

Question 6:What happened when the lost child reached the temple door ? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-019)

Answer:When the child reached the temple door men jostled each other. The poor child struggled to thrust his way out but was knocked. He might have been trampled if he had not shouted at his highest pitch.

Question 7:Who rescued the lost child ? What did he offer to buy him ? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-020)

Answer:The man in the shrine rescued the lost child. He lifted him up in his arms and tried to soothe him. He took him to the nearest roundabout swing and offered to buy him flowers, balloons and sheets.

Question 8:Parents were in a hurry to reach the fair but the child was delaying them. How ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-029)

Answer:The boy got distracted by toys which he wanted to buy, butterflies and dragon flies which he wanted to catch and ffc?wers that he wanted to gather. And, out of pine innocence he delayed his parents to reach the’fair.

Question 9:What was tlje first reaction of the child when he realized that he had lost his parents?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-035)

Answer:The child panicked when he realized (hat he had lost his parents. He was puzzled, angry and desperate. He cried and shouted for his parents. He ran here and there to look for his parents.

 Question 10:

Why didn’t the boy wait for an answer after he had pleaded for sweets ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-042)

Answer:The boy didn’t wait for an answer after life had pleaded for sweets because he knew that his parents would say that he was greed^ and would refuse to buy the sweets.

Question 11:What happened when the “lost child” entered the grove ? How did he enjoy there ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-046)

Answer:When the “lost child” entered the groye, a shower of young flowers fell upon him. He began to gather the raining petals. He heard the cooing of doyes and ran towards his parent^. He had a fun- filled splendid time in the grove.

Long Answer Type Questions (4 marks each)

(About 80-100 words)

Question 1:What changes do you notice in the behaviour of the child, once he is separated from his parents in the story “The Lost Child” ? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-021)

Answer:A child along with his parents had been to a fair. He was very excited and happy with the stalls of toys and sweets. He gets separated from his parents and starts crying. He runs hither and thither in search of his parents, but in vain. Since the place was overcrowded he got real scared. He started cryjng as he was all alone. A kind hearted man offers him many things but he refuses. The child who wanted everything from the fair was now not interested in any of these things as he only yearned to be with his parents.

Question 2:Compare the attitude of the child before and after his separation from his parents.(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-025)

Answer:Before separation the child was very happy and excited at the fair. He was fascinated with all the things that were displayed at the stalls. He wanted to have all the things like his favourite toys, sweets, flowers, etc. He also wanted to go for a ride. But after separation the boy just wanted to be with his parents. He was not interested in any of those things which he kept longing to have from the stalls. In the absence of his parents these things did not give him any satisfaction.

Question 3:How did the man who found the little boy in the fair, try to soothe him ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-031)

Answer:The man who found the little boy in the fair tried every possible way to soothe him. He took him to a roundabout swing then offered a horse ride, tried to make him listen to the snake charmer’s song and offered him a balloon, as he thought that this would distract his mind, but in vain. He offered him flowers and sweets, but the child kept crying. The child could not be distracted by any of the things at the fair as he longed to be with his parents.

Question 4:How do you know that the lost child was a nature – lover ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-047)

Answer:The child was attracted to the nature’s little aspects because of his innocence. When his mother diverted his attention towards the mustard field he saw the flowers which were in the nascent stage and flowering. The flpwers of the field were pale like melting gold. He then saw a group of dragon flies which were bustling about on their gandy purple wings, intercepting the flight of a lone black bee or butterfly in search of sweetness from the flowers. The child wanted to catch those dragon this but they went away fluttering and flapping. He also got attracted to the little insects and worms along the foothj^th that were teeming out from their hiding places to enjoy the Sunshine. A §hower of young flowers fell upon the child as he entered the fair. He forgot about his parents and began to gather the raining petals in his hands. Again when he heard the cooing of doves, he ran towards his parents shouting about them.

Question 5:What all things did the child get attracted to, once be entered the fair ? Was he able to get all the things he desired ? What happened when he made a bold request to his parents ?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-053)

Answer:With a wide mouth, he stared at the sight of burfi. Later he was attracted to a garland of gulmohur and was carried away by the rainbow glory of the coloured balloons. He wanted them all but, on the other hand, he also knew the answers of his parents, so he convinced himself and did not ask them for anything. Finally, he made a bold request for going on the roundabout. As he turned to get their reply, he could not find them behind him.


The Lost Child Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.

What was his father’s reaction to his demands?


The child was very happy at the fair. He wanted to have a toy. His father perhaps could not afford it. He looked at him rudely and with anger. The child said nothing and kept on moving.

Question 2.

What kind of a lady was his mother?


His mother was a very kind lady. Her attitude was very tender. Whenever the child wanted to buy something, she tried to divert his attention to something else. She did not scold him.

Question 3.

Describe the path of the fair.


There was a walking distance from the village to the fair. The path went through the lanes and then there was narrow, winding footpath through the mustard fields.

Question 4.

Why was the child forbidden to hear the music?


The child was fascinated by the flute music of the snake-charmer. He wanted to stop there and enjoy the music. His parents did not allow him to hear that. They considered the flute music cheap and coarse. So he was forbidden to hear that.

Question 5.

How did the child react in front of the juggler?


The juggler was playing the flute to a snake. The child was attracted by the music and went towards him. He knew that his parents would not like his standing there. So he moved on.

Question 6.

Where did the child’s parents stop and why?


While going to the fair, the child’s parents stopped under the shade of a grove to rest for a while. Moreover, the scene there was quite captivating.

Question 7.

What did the child do in the grove?


When the child entered the grove, he started collecting the raining petals in his hands. He heard the cooing of doves and ran towards his parents telling about the presence of the dove.

Question 8.

Why would his parents have refused to buy a garland of Gulmohar?


His parents would have refused to buy a garland of Gulmohar because they thought it to be cheap. So the child did not ask for it without waiting for their reply.

Question 9.

Why did the parents refuse for the flute’s music?


The parents refused the flute’s music to the child because they considered it coarse music. The child suppressed his feelings and kept on moving.

Question 10.

Where did the child meet a kind-hearted person?


The child met the kind-hearted person near the shrine. The man saw the child in the crowd. He might have been trampled underfoot. His shrieks invited the attention of the kind man who lifted him up.

Question 11.

According to you, why was the child happy when he was on the way to fair? Was it the attraction of the fair or the natural beauty that he enjoyed on the way?


The child was very happy when he was going to the fair with his parents. In my opinion, it was the natural beauty that he enjoyed on the way. He was fascinated by the natural beauty all around him. Dragonflies, insects, worms, flowers filled him with joy.

Question 12.

How can you say that the child was an obedient boy?


The child was an obedient boy. He wanted to buy many things from the shops in the fair. Whenever he demanded, his parents refused and he obeyed quietly. He did not complain for anything. It proves that he was an obedient boy.

Question 13.

When did the child realise that he was separated from his parents? What was his response?


The child was always lagging behind. He was lost in the wonders of the fair. When he was near the swing and expressed his desire for swing, he didn’t get a response. Then he realised that he was separated from his parents. He started crying.

Question 14.

“The child was running towards the shrine.” Why? What would have happened if he was not lifted?


When he was separated from his parents he ran towards the shrine in their search. It was very crowded. He struggled to push through the legs of the people. If a man had not rescued him, he would have been trampled upon.

Question 15.

Do you think in the end the child was reunited with his parents? Who, according to you, had helped him?


Yes, I think the child was reunited with his parents in the end. The kind person who rescued him in the crowd must have helped him in finding his parents. It was a small fair and the sincere efforts of that kind man must have worked.

The Lost Child Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type

Question 1.

How did the child behave at the shop of the sweetmeat-seller? What does it show about the values of the child? Was he a considerate child?


There was a large crowd around the counter of the sweetmeat-seller. Various colourful sweets decorated with silver and gold leaves were displayed. He was hawking “Gulab Jamun, Rasgulla, Burfi, Jalebi.” The child was fascinated. His mouth watered for his favourite Burfi. He stared opened-eyed. He wanted to have one but he knew that his parents would not allow him to get one.

He knew that they would call him greedy. So he moved on without waiting for an answer. It shows that the child was a considerate boy. He understood the limitations of his parents. He liked the sweets but he did not insist on buying them. He knew that his parents could not afford it. He was a good boy. He was not a greedy and disobedient boy.

Question 2.

What were the reactions of the child on seeing the flower-seller and the balloon-jeller? Do you think it was an obvious reaction of a child?


The child was attracted by the fragrance of flowers. He went towards the basket of flowers. He wanted to have a garland. But knowing that his parents won’t allow, he moved on. He saw a balloon-seller holding a pole with colourful balloons. The child was simply carried away by the rainbow glory of balloons. He desired to have all of them. He knew that his parents would say that he was too old to play with them. He said nothing and moved on. Yes, it was an obvious reaction of a child. All the children are attracted to colourful balloons and toys and they want to have them. This child was very obedient and considerate as he didn’t force his parents for anything.

Question 3.

If you had been the lost child, what would you have done to find your parents in the fair?


If I had been the lost child, my condition would have been the same. I would have run here and there in the fair, looking for my parents. I would have also cried bitterly. But I would have acted in a more sensible way. I would have avoided the crowded place. I would have gone to the office of the fair and would tell them about my address and the name of my parents and would request someone to make an announcement.

If there was no help from him, I would have waited for my parents at one place. If some kind-hearted man would help me locate my parents, I would definitely accompany him. I know they would not have gone back home without me and would have gone to the places in the fair we visited. I would not have lost patience and waited for them.

Question 4.

You are a counsellor. Write a paragraph advising parents how to ensure that the children are not lost in any crowded place like a fair, etc.


Tips for parents

It generally happens that children are separated from their parents in public functions or fairs. In some cases children are traced and reunited with their parents. But there are cases when the children are in wrong hands and are never traceable. In order to ensure that children do not get lost, the parents have to be vigilant and extra careful. The child should never be ignored. It should not be left behind in any shop.

Sometimes, a child is so fascinated by the toys that it does not move ahead and the parents fascinated by other items leave him behind. A child should always carry on an identity card in its pocket. It should be trained how to maintain calm and approach the public address system. It is always better to fix a place of meeting in case of separation.

Question 5.

A little child’s reactions to the immediate situation bears a universal ring when examined . superficially. Delving in depth, one can see that each child reacts to a situation according to his or her individual characteristics. Write a character sketch of the little child in the lesson ‘The Lost Child’, bringing out the child’s individual traits as illustrated in the contents of the story.


The little child in the story ‘The Lost Child’, had accompanied his parents to a village fair. Dressed in a yellow turban, he was excited and engrossed in all the activities of the fair. The child had had a sheltered upbringing where his parents were in the habit of dictating his every action. Thus, he obeyed his father’s command to follow them despite wanting to linger at the toy shop.

He was observant and fascinated by the sight of insects and worms on the footpath. The child had a strong fun-loving streak and while his parents rested in the grove, he ran around the banyan tree, gathering flower petals and listening to doves cooing. Like several children, he had a sweet tooth and enjoyed burfis. He was a restless individual drawn to immediate stimuli and temporarily let go of the safety and security of his parents, but was inconsolable when lost, and consistently pleaded to be taken to them. ‘

Question 6.

Describe the condition of the child when he was separated from his parents in /he fair. Do you think it is a natural reaction?


When the child realised that he had been separated from his parents, then he started crying. Tears rolled down his eyes. He was filled with fear and restlessness. He panicked and ran here and there. His yellow turban had got untied. His clothes became muddy. He ran towards the shrine in search of his parents.

There was a thick crowd. Before he could be trampled upon their feet, a kind-hearted person picked him up in his arms. He took him to the roundabout and offered him many things. He asked him how he got there and where his parents were. But, the child wept more bitterly and cried for his parents. Yes, it is a natural reaction for any child of his age.

Question 7.

Compare the attitude of the child before and after his separation from his parents. The company of parents is more important than the things of pleasure. Do you agree?


In the beginning, the child was happy and excited. He wanted to have toys, sweetmeat, flowers and many more things. Though he knew that his parents would not allow him to get the things, yet he longed for them. Mere presence of these things gave him satisfaction. After he was separated from his parents, his mood was completely changed. He started crying.

A kind-hearted person offered him all the things available in the fair. But the child declined everything. He only wanted his parents. All things had become useless for him. It shows that the company of parents is more important than the things of pleasure. The child found everything useless without his parents.

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