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The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQs Questions ( Handwritten )




Question 1.

Which of the following can be made into crystal?
(a) A bacterium
(b) An Amoeba
(c) A virus
(d) A sperm


Answer: (c) A virus

Question 2.
A cell will swell up if
(a) the concentration of water molecules in the cell is higher than the concentration of water molecules in the surrounding medium.
(b) the concentration of water molecules in the surrounding medium is higher than water molecules concentration in the cell.
(c) the concentration of water molecules is same in the cell and in the surrounding medium.
(d) concentration of water molecules does not matter.


Answer: (b) the concentration of water molecules in the surrounding medium is higher than water molecules concentration in the cell.

Question 3.
Chromosomes are made up of
(a) DNA
(b) Protein
(c) DNA and protein
(d) RNA


Answer: (c) DNA and protein

Question 4.
Which of these options are not a function of ribosomes?
(i) It helps in manufacture of protein molecules.
(ii) It helps in manufacture of enzymes.
(iii) It helps in manufacture of hormones.
(iv) It helps in manufacture of starch molecules.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (iv) and (i)


Answer: (c) (iii) and (iv)

Question 5.
Which of these is not related to endoplasmic reticulum?
(a) It behaves as a transport channel for proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm.
(b) It transports materials between various regions in the cytoplasm.
(c) It can be the site of energy generation.
(d) It can be the site for some biochemical activities of the cell.


Answer: (c) It can be the site of energy generation.

Question 6.
Following are a few definitions of osmosis:
Read carefully and select the correct definition.
(a) Movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.
(b) Movement of solvent molecules from its higher concentration to lower concentration.
(c) Movement of solvent molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration of solution through a permeable membrane.
(d) Movement of solute molecules from lower concentration to higher concentration of solution through a semi permeable membrane.


Answer: (a) Movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.

Question 7.
Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined as
(a) breakdown (lysis) of plasma membrane in hypotonie medium
(b) shrinkageof cytoplasm in hypertonic medium
(c) shrinkage of nucleoplasm
(d) none of them


Answer: (b) shrinkageof cytoplasm in hypertonic medium

Question 8.
Which of the following are covered by a single membrane?
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Vacuole
(c) Lysosome
(d) Plastid


Answer: (b) Vacuole

Question 9.
Find out the false sentence.
(a) Nucleus is involved with the formation of lysosomes.
(b) Nucleus, mitochondria and plastid have DNA, hence they are able to make their own structural proteins.
(c) Mitochondria is said to be the power house of the cell as ATP is generated in them.
(d) Cytoplasm is called as protoplasm.


Answer: (a) Nucleus is involved with the formation of lysosomes.

Question 10.
Find out the correct sentence.
(a) Enzymes packed in lysosomes are made through RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum).
(b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum produce lipid and protein respectively.
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum is rélated to the destruction of plasma membrane.
(d) Nucleoid is present inside the nucleoplasm of eukaryotic nucleus.


Answer: (a) Enzymes packed in lysosomes are made through RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum).

Question 11.
Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in detoxifring many poisons and drugs in a cell?
(a) Golgi apparatus
(b) Lysosomes
(c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Vacuoles


Answer: (c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Question 12.
The proteins and lipids, essential for building the cell membrane, are manufactured by
(a) rough endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) plasma membrane
(d) mitochondria


Answer: (a) rough endoplasmic reticulum

Question 13.
The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes is also known as
(a) nucleus
(b) nucleolus
(c) nucleic acid
(d) nucleoid


Answer: (d) nucleoid

Question 14.
The cell organelle involved in forming complex sugars from simple sugars are
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) ribosomes
(c) plastids
(d) golgi apparatus


Answer: (d) golgi apparatus

Question 15.
Which out of the following is not a function of vacuole?
(a) Storage
(b) Providing turgidity and rigidity to the cell
(c) Waste excretion
(d) Locomotion


Answer: (d) Locomotion

Question 16.
Amoeba acquires its food through a process, termed
(a) exocytosis
(b) endocytosis
(c) plasmolysis
(d) exocytosis and endocytosis both


Answer: (b) endocytosis

Question 17.
Cell wall of which one of these is not made up of cellulose?
(a) Bacteria
(b) Hydrilla
(c) Mango tree
(d) Cactus


Answer: (a) Bacteria

Question 18.
Silver nitrate solution is used to study
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) nucleus
(d) mitochondria


Answer: (b) golgi apparatus

Question 19.
Organelle other than nucleus, containing DNA is
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) mitochondria
(d) lysosomes


Answer: (c) mitochondria

Question 20.
Kitchen of the cell is
(a) mitochondria
(b) endoplasmic reticulum
(c) chioroplast
(d) golgi apparatus


Answer: (c) chioroplast

Question 21.
Lipid molecules in the cell are synthesised by
(a) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(b) rough endoplasmic reticulum
(c) golgi apparatus
(d) plastids


Answer: (a) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Question 22.
Cell arises from pre-existing cell was stated by
(a) Haeckel
(b) Virchow
(c) Hooke
(d) Schleiden


Answer: (b) Virchow

Question 23.
Cell theory was given by
(a) Schleiden and Schwann
(b) Virchow
(c) Hooke
(d) Haeckel


Answer: (a) Schleiden and Schwann

Question 24.
The only cell organelle seen in prokaryotic cell is
(a) mitochondria
(b) ribosomes
(c) plastids
(d) lysosomes


Answer: (b) ribosomes

Question 25.
Organelle without a cell membrane is
(a) ribosome
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) chioroplast
(d) nucleus


Answer: (a) ribosome

Question 26.
1 μm is
(a) 10-6 m
(b) 10-9 m
(c) 10-10 m
(d) 10-3 m


Answer: (a) 10-6 m

Question 27.
Lysosome arises from
(a) endoplasmic reticulum
(b) golgi apparatus
(c) nucleus
(d) mitochondria


Answer: (b) golgi apparatus

Question 28.
Living cells were discovered by
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Purkinje
(c) Leeuwenhoek
(d) Robert Brown


Answer: (c) Leeuwenhoek

Question 29.
Select the odd one out.
(a) The movement of water across a semi permeable membrane is affected by the amount of substances dissolved in it.
(b) Membranes are made of organic molecules like proteins and lipids.
(c) Molecules soluble in organic solvents can easily pass through the membrane.
(d) Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants.


Answer: (d) Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants.

Fill in the blanks.

1. …………… is a Latin word for ‘a little room’.


Answer: Cell

2. Plant cells are stained using the stain called …………….


Answer: safranin

3. Cells were first discovered by ……………. in 1665.


Answer: Robert Hooke

4. Leeuwenhoek (1674), with the improved microscope, discovered ………….. the in pond water for the first time.


Answer: free living cells

5. Virchow stated that ……………. arise from pre-existing cells.


Answer: all cells

6. The largest cell is …………….


Answer: ostrich egg

7. The …………. and …………… of cells are related to the specific function they perform.


Answer: shape; size

8. The process of …………… helps in movement of carbon dioxide or oxygen across the cell membrane.


Answer: diffusion

9. The movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane is called …………….


Answer: osmosis

10. The …………… of the cell membrane enables the cell to engulf in food and other material from its external environment by process called endocytosis.


Answer: flexible nature

11. The chromatin material gets organised in the form of ………….. when the cell is about to divide.


Answer: chromosome

12. ………….. and …………. help in building the cell membrane by the process of membrane biogenesis.


Answer: Proteins; lipids

13. The hydrolytic enzymes present in the iysosomes are synthesised in the ………………


Answer: RER

14. Chromoplasts that contain …………… are called chioroplasts.


Answer: green coloured pigment

15. The primary function of leucoplasts is to ……………


Answer: store starch

Match the following columns

Column AColumn B
(a) Vacuoles(i) Store proteins
(b) Lysosomes(ii) Shrinkage of cells
(c) Outer membrane of mitochondria(iii) Detoxification of poison and drugs
(d) Elaioplasts(iv) Turgidity of plant cell
(e) Aleuroplast(v) Porous in nature
(f) Hypertonic solution(vi) Scavengers of cell
(g) RER(vii) Storage and modification
(h) SER(viii) Store oils
(i) Golgi apparatus(ix) Protein synthesis


Column AColumn B
(a) Vacuoles(iv) Turgidity of plant cell
(b) Lysosomes(vi) Scavengers of cell
(c) Outer membrane of mitochondria(v) Porous in nature
(d) Elaioplasts(viii) Store oils
(e) Aleuroplast(i) Store proteins
(f) Hypertonic solution(ii) Shrinkage of cells
(g) RER(ix) Protein synthesis
(h) SER(iii) Detoxification of poison and drugs
(i) Golgi apparatus(vii) Storage and modification

Mcq Extra PART -  1

1. Which of the following statement marks as a difference between plant cell and animal cell?
(a) Plant cells have cell wall which animal cells do not.
(b) Plant cells do not have vacuole while animal cells do have.
(c) Plant cells have only cell membrane while animal cells have both cell wall as well as cell membrane.
(d) Plant cells have more plastids while animal cells have few plastids.

Answer/ Explanation

(c) Thomson

2. Endoplasmic reticulum one of the cell organelles, exists as a membranous network that extends from outer membrane of nucleus to the plasma membrane making a connection between them.
MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life with Answers
Which of the following statements is not related to the endoplasmic reticulum?
(a) It behaves as transport channel for proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm.
(b) It transports materials between various regions in cytoplasm.
(c) It can be the site of energy generation.
(d) It can be the site of some biochemical activities of the cell.

Answer/ Explanation

(c) It can be the site of energy generation.

3. Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one. Can you pick out the option among the following which does not belong to this process?
(a) The movement of water across a semipermeable membrane is affected by the amount of substances dissolved in it.
(b) Membranes are made of organic molecules such as proteins and lipids.
(c) Molecules soluble in organic solvents can easily pass through the membrane.
(d) Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants.

Answer/ Explanation

(d) Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants.

4. The nucleus controls all the activities of the cell and acts as a site of DNA material and protein synthesis. It is composed of some components which all together give the nucleus its functionality. Here is shown a figure of nucleus with some of its components labeled as A, B, C and D. can you name these components correctly?
MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life with Answers 1
(a) A – Nucleons; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nucleoplasm
(b) A – Nucleus; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nucleoplasm
(c) A – Nucleolus; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nucleoplasm
(d) A – Nucleolus; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nuclear wall

Answer/ Explanation

(c) A – Nucleolus; B – Chromatin; C – Nuclear membrane; D – Nucleoplasm

5 You must have observed that a fruit when unripe is green but it becomes beautifully coloured when ripe. According to you what is the reason behind this colour change.
(a) Chloroplasts change to chromosplasts
(b) Chromosplasts change to chromosomes
(c) Chloroplasts change to chromosomes
(d) Chromosplasts change to chloroplasts

Answer/ Explanation

(a) Chloroplasts change to chromosplasts

6. Rahul’s mother was going to make pickle. For this she cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them in the sun for few hours. Rahul was observing all her activities very curiously and asked his mother if why she had put the salted vegetables in the sun. among the following what might be the most appropriate answer for his question?
(a) So that the pickle may get extra flavour.
(b) So that the cut vegetables may absorb the vitamin d as a nutrient from the sun rays.
(c) So that the vegetables may lose all the water by diffusion and evaporation and become dry.
(d) So that the salt may get evenly and properly absorbed by the vegetables.

Answer/ Explanation

(c) So that the vegetables may lose all the water by diffusion and evaporation and become dry.

7. The process of plasmolysis in plant cell is defined as:
(a) Breakdown of plasma membrane in hypotonic solution.
(b) Shrinkage of cytoplasm in hypertonic medium.
(c) Shrinkage of Nucleoplasm.
(d) None of these.

Answer/ Explanation

(b) Shrinkage of cytoplasm in hypertonic medium.

8. Mitochondria are the sites of respiration in the cell. They oxidize carbohydrates and fats present in the cell to produce carbon dioxide, water and a lot of energy. The energy so released is stored in the form of ATP molecules. Since mitochondria in the cell are used to synthesize energy so, they are also called:
(a) Energy currency of the cell
(b) Energy generator of the cell
(c) Kitchen of the cell
(d) Power house of the cell

Answer/ Explanation

(d) Power house of the cell

9. Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. The word cell is derived from the Latin word ‘cellula’ which means “a little room”. Can you name the scientist who coined the term cell?
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
(c) Robert Brown
(d) Ernst Haeckel

Answer/ Explanation

(a) Robert Hooke

10. In a test, a teacher collected the answers written by four students as the definition of osmosis as given below. Read carefully and select the correct one.
(a) Movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane.
(b) Movement of solvent molecules from its higher concentration to lower concentration.
(c) Movement of solvent molecules from higher concentration to lower of solution through a permeable membrane.
(d) Movement of solute molecules from lower concentration to higher concentration of solution through a semipermeable membrane.

Answer/ Explanation

(a) Movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane.

11. Among the following statements which one is incorrect?
(a) Golgi apparatus is involved with formation of lysosomes.
(b) Nucleus, mitochondria and plastid have DNA, hence they are able to make their own structural proteins.
(c) Lysosomes are called the suicide bags as they eat up their own cells.
(d) Cytoplasm is called known as protoplasm.

Answer/ Explanation

(d) Cytoplasm is called known as protoplasm.

12. Anjali wanted to eat rice and kidney bean (rajmah). She requested her mother to cook the same on next day. At night her mother took a cup of kidney beans and put them in a container having some water and the kept the container covered overnight. Next day it was observed that the kidney beans got swollen and were ready to be cooked. What is this phenomenon due to which kidney beans got swollen is known as?
(i) Osmosis
(ii) Diffusion
(iii) Endosmosis
(iv) Exosmosis
Choose the correct option among the following:
(a) Only (iii)
(b) Both (i) and (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (iv)
(d) Only (i)

Answer/ Explanation

(b) Both (i) and (iii)

13. A vacuole is a space or cavity within the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosed by a membrane and typically containing fluid. They are a kind of storage sacs that are very large sized in plant cell as compared to that in the animal cell.

Which among the following is not a function of the vacuole?
(a) They help to store the toxic metabolic by-products of the plant cell.
(b) They provide turgidity and rigidity to the plant cell.
(c) They help to maintain the osmotic pressure in the cell.
(d) They help the plant in its growth by the process of cell division.

Answer/ Explanation

(d) They help the plant in its growth by the process of cell division.

14. The proteins and lipids, essential for building the cell membrane, are manufactured by:
(a) Endoplasmic reticulum
(b) Golgi apparatus
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Peroxisomes

Answer/ Explanation

(a) Endoplasmic reticulum

Mcq Extra PART -  2

  1. Which plastids are colourless?
    1. Chromoplasts
    2. Chloroplast
    3. Leucoplasts
    4. All of the above
    5. None of the above
  2. An unripe green fruit changes colour when it ripens. The reason being:
    1. Chromoplasts changes to chlorophyll
    2. Chromoplasts changes to chromosomes
    3. Chromosomes changes to chromoplasts
    4. Chloroplast changes to chromoplasts
    5. None of the above
  3. The phenomenon where cytoplasms shrink in a hypertonic medium is called:
    1. Frontolysis
    2. Plasmolysis
    3. Acidolysis
    4. Allolysis
    5. None of the above
  4. ________ is called the energy currency of the cell
    1. Endoplasmic reticulum
    2. Oxygen
    3. ATP
    4. Mitochondria
    5. None of the above
  5. ________ is called the powerhouse of the cell
    1. Mitochondria
    2. ATP
    3. Lysosomes
    4. Red blood cells
    5. None of the above
  6. ________ coined the term “cell.”
    1. Gorbachev
    2. Himmler
    3. Robert Hooke
    4. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
    5. None of the above
  7. Which of the following statements is incorrect? 
    1. Cytoplasm is also known as protoplasm
    2. Lysosomes are known as the suicide bags of the cell
    3. Mitochondria has its own DNA
    4. All of the above are incorrect
    5. None of the above
  8. Which of the following is not a function of the vacuole in plants?
    1. They store toxic metabolic wastes
    2. They help with the process of cell division
    3. They help to maintain turgidity
    4. They provide structurally support
    5. None of the above
  9. Where are the essential proteins and lipids required for cell membrane, manufactured?
    1. Lysosome
    2. Chromosomes
    3. Endoplasmic reticulum
    4. Mitochondria
    5. None of the above
  10. The process by which water moves through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration, thereby equalizing water concentration is called:
    1. Evaporation
    2. Diffusion
    3. Osmosis
    4. All of the above
    5. None of the above
Answer Key
1 – c6 -c
2– d7– a
3 – b8 – b
4– c9– c
5– a10– c

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